Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Last week, the Student Parking Gestapo finally ticketed my vehicle. Even though I was in the remote Lot C, down by Boothroyd, and I have three previous passes on my window, they got me. What can I say, it was a good ride. I paid the $20 ticket, plus a $5 late fee. I had lost the ticket, then went to Public Safety to tell them I lost it, they then told me it was the 10th day since I got the ticket. Silly me, I thought it meant 10 business days, or 10 days that Public Safety was open for parking stuff. I guess if it had been 9 days when I paid (a day I couldn't pay), I'd not have to pay the late fee.

I decided to get a permit, but only if it was pro-rated so I could pay for just the half semester. No dice. They want their full $51.75 or whatever it is, in order to allow me to park for 10 weeks or so. I could get a temporary permit for a week, but that costs $20.

So, I'm going to walk to campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays (or mooch rides off of people if the weather sucks), and drive on Wednesdays. I only have one class on Wednesdays, as opposed to the 6 hour marathons on the other 2 days, so I can slip in and out from under the noses of the Parking SS. If they ticket me, the jig is up, I pay my $20 fine, but still end the year up $5 as opposed to getting a permit.


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