Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lack of sleep

I stayed up all night writing 2 outlines and doing a bibliography for history class. Now I'm waiting, killing time before I go to class. I want to sleep, really, really, really badly, but if I lie down now, I'm done for another 5 hours and will miss the classes I worked so hard to do the homework for.

I've noticed something about myself when I'm sleep deprived. I talk outloud to myself quite a bit. It is as if my inner monologue goes to bed. I noticed this tendency when I said it out loud. It's fucked up cuz I say everything out loud, sometimes very quietly, but still, I speak it.

Example: "Oops, dropped my pen. Better pick it up now."

I've actually said this loud enough for people to hear it. They must think I'm a friggin' lunatic.

Five hours until I can sleep. Can't wait. Just hope I don't sleep for too long and screw up my schedule.


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