Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rite Aid Sucks

Freshman year, Rite Aid was my favorite store in Ithaca. Their lenient IDing and their abundance of beer and 40's made them a weekly stop for the beer run. Things got better when TJ and I met. He liked the bumper stickers on my old car. I had about 5 Red Sox stickers, a Bruins sticker, a Pats sticker, and 4 stickers saying that the Yankees, or one of the Yankees Sucked and/or Swallowed. TJ didn't card me. Nor did he charge me full price. Often, I got beer 2 for 1. One time I bought 3 thirty racks, some shampoo, some Coke for mixing, and a carton of smokes and he only charged me for the smokes.

Sophomore year, shit started going down hill. TJ and the other kids that worked there were replaced. The new staff had to wear uniforms and they were strict about IDs and beer sales. The people that worked there weren't very happy either.

I just went down to Rite Aid for some ketchup, shampoo, and cranberry juice. The atmosphere in there was very depressed. I said "hi" to the cashier who just stared at me with empty eyes. I was happy to be gone from there. I got the feeling that I could walk in there with an Uzi, rob the place, and the people working there would be disappointed that I didn't shoot them and put them out of their misery.


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